
The Bali Bougainvillea

Bali, where the sun meets the sea,The Bougainvillea, wild and free.Cascade of color, in hues so bright,Symphony of pinks, a lover’s delight. Twining and climbing, with lust it ascends,Over trellises...

The Winter Tree

Poetry by Markus Hamence - Wednesday 19 June 2024 In the heart of winter, where mist does linger, Stands an old tree with limbs like fingers. Its leaves, once emerald,...

Punk Ode to the Cactus

Plant Poetry by Markus Hamence - 17 June 2024 Punk Ode to the Cactus In the barren wasteland, under the searing sun,Stands the cactus, defiant, a rebel, undone.No velvet petals,...

The Park Bench

Markus Hamence - 10 June 2024 In the heart of the leafy park, it rests,A humble bench where thoughtful souls find zest.Weathered wood and iron, a trusty friend,Where numerous stories...

A Vila For The Gods

Poetry by Markus Hamence - Seminyak, Bali, 24 April 2024 Set in the middle of Seminyak's tropical buzz,a hideaway with whispers of beauty and lush.Hotel Vila Lumbung, an island's embrace,Bali's...

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